✧Other✧ 【現役ホテリエが解説】GoToトラベルを利用したホテル予約ガイド!地域共通クーポンについても解説!紙VS電子 こんにちは、現役ホテリエのmiです。 ついに2020年10月1日から東京を含む全国で適用可能となった「GoToトラベルキャンペーン」! キャンペーン事業の一貫として10月1日から、「地域共通クーポン」の付与も始まりました。 このキャン... 06.10.2020 ✧Other✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ Living in a Share House in Tokyo, Japan -Story of my experience- Hi it's mi :-) If you would love to live in a house in a good location in Japan without any furniture, it's gonna be... 02.09.2020 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ 【Review】Manten Sushi in Tokyo! 東京の人気寿司店まんてん鮨に行ってみた! Hi it's mi :-D I went to Manten Sushi Marunouchi in Tokyo! I was impressed even I'm from Hokkaido which is the most fam... 01.12.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ 【Korean food】in Shinokubo, Tokyo Japan! 新大久保で本場の韓国料理!! ※Written in English & Japanese(英語&日本語) 안녕~~!!나는 mi이야 :lol: We can eat Korean food in Shinokubo, Tokyo. There are a lo... 19.11.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ 【Review】Shibuya Scramble Square 2019open 渋谷スクランブルスクエアに行ってみた! Heyyyy it's mi・ω・ I have been to Shibuya Scramble Square which has 47 floors and a rooftop!! This building opened on 1s... 10.11.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ 【Tokyo Travel Guide】14 places you should visit in Tokyo!! 東京で行くべき14の観光スポット! Konnichiwa, Hello~ I am mi :lol: As you know Tokyo is capital prefecture in Japan. Manyyyy people are living there. Tod... 29.10.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ 【3 Recommend Meat Restaurants】 in Tokyo!! 肉料理が絶品都内おすすめ3店舗! Hi!! How are you?? I'm hungry!! I introduce my favorite 3 meat restaurants in Tokyo today. I have been to many meat re... 09.10.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ 【Planning Guide】Tokyo DisneySea★ 東京ディズニーシープランニングガイド★ Hello, I'm mi :-P I went to Tokyo DisneySea last week!!♡ I had a great time there...!! I have been there about 10 times... 30.09.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧About Japan (English)✧ How to be an Uber Eats partner in Japan!! 日本でUber Eats(ウーバーイーツ)配達パートナーを始める方法! ※Written in English on the top, Japanese on the bottom each paragraph. ※各章ごとに上段が英語、下段が日本語です。 Hi! I'm mi :... 25.09.2019 ✧About Japan (English)✧
✧Other✧ Mi Profile Hello!! I am mi from Japan. mi is my nickname and also means "my" in Spanish. jajaja(=hahaha) This is my first time ... 20.09.2019 ✧Other✧