【Review】Manten Sushi in Tokyo! 東京の人気寿司店まんてん鮨に行ってみた!

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Hi it’s mi 😀

I went to Manten Sushi Marunouchi in Tokyo! I was impressed even I’m from Hokkaido which is the most famous for seafood in Japan.

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Where in Tokyo??

They have two restaurants in Tokyo at the moment.

Marunouchi 丸の内




Marunouchi Brick Square B1F, 2-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

〈Nearest Station〉

Nijubashimae  station

〈Opening time〉

Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday:11:00-15:00(L.O.13:30)
Sunday and Public holiday:17:00-22:00(L.O.20:30)


New year’s holiday, Marunouchi Brick Square’s holiday(June)

Nihonbashi 日本橋




Koredo Muromachi2 1F, 2-3-1, Muromachi, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

〈Nearest Station〉

Mitsukoshimae Station

〈Opening time〉

Saturday, Sunday and Public holiday

Same day as Koredo Muromachi

Omakase Course 6,000JPY(+Tax)

“Omakase” is Manten Sushi’s main menu. They said as follwing.

Omakase is the Japanese tradition of letting a chef choose your order.The word means “I will leave it to you.” It’s a fine tradition that gives the chef creative freedom and the customer a memorable dining experience.Please enjoy high quality and traditional food prepared by experienced Japanese chefs.
「おまかせ」は注文内容を、職人さんに全部任せる、日本の伝統的な注文の仕方です。「おまかせ」という言葉は、日本語で「あなたに任せる」と言う意味です。 職人の志向をこらした料理で、お客様にとって忘れられないお食事に成るでしょう。経験豊かな職人による、質の高い伝統的な料理を御楽しみください。

We can tell them what you can’t eat before this course starts. This course depends on the day, season and chef.

1.Clam Dashi Soup しじみのだし汁

This was the first meal of this course. A little clam dashi soup had a deep taste.

2.Hokkaido Yellowtail 北海道のぶり

Yellowtail from Hokkaido. It tasted like soy sause. Soft and not too fatty. There was pickled ginger on the right side of this plate. Basically Sushi comes with pickled ginger.

3.Root of the Wakame Seaweed めかぶ

Root of the Wakame Seaweed on the small bowl was sticky. It tasted light, not salty.

4.Giant Pacific Octopus with salt and remon 塩とレモンで味付けたミズダコの造り

This octopus was seasoned with salt and lemon. It tasted little salty. It was also chewy and juicy, but light.

5.Bonito with onion soy sauce かつお玉ねぎ醤油

This was tasty and rich. Onion soy sauce went well with bonito. This is one of my favorite menu.

6.Abalone あわび

Although abalone is really expensive in Japan, they served me big one. This was chewy and juicy.

7.Savory Egg Custard with Japanese pulm 南高梅の茶碗蒸し

Savory egg custard was smooth and healthy, Japanese pulm was sour. I think this is loved by some and disliked by others.

8.Glass Shrimp 白海老

This was plump and soft, the taste was rich. This was not fishy.

9.Soft cod roe 真鱈の白子

This was juicy, creamy and soft, but sauce was healthy. Its sauce was Ponzu which is soy sauce with citrus juice. I really loved it.

10.Simmered Monkish Liver 煮たアン肝

This was dense and smorky. I think this was the first time to eat Monkish liver for me.

11.Japanese Common Squid するめいか

This was chewy and light, but Octopus was more chewy, while this was softer. Actually in Hokkaido, basically they serve bigger one than this.

12.Japanese Spanish Mackerel さわら

This was soft and little fatty. I haven’t eaten this fish many times.

13.Simmered Oyster with Ginger 牡蠣の生姜煮

Its flavor was ginger and soy sauce. Not big. This was milky and soft. Because of ginger, it’s not fishy.

14.Salmon Roe Small Rice Bowl いくらの小丼

The dish was small, but I was so satisfied. Lots of salmon roe on rice. Salmon roe was mixied with root the wakame seaweed and squid. It was sticky, salty, and rich.

15.Cod Roe pickled in Wasabi たらこのわさび漬け

This tasted like Wasabi, but it’s not spicy. I think even people who dislike wasabi can eat it. Cod roe was very fine.

16. Lean Tuna pickled in soy sauce 赤身の漬け

This was not fatty, but rich. It tasted deep soy sauce. I didn’t want to ingest it, because I wanted to taste it more.

17.Snow crab flakes ズワイガニのほぐし身

This was so soft and tasted like crub butter. Snow crub is also one of luxury food.

18.Farry Tuna トロ

Farry tuna is expensive in Japan. This was fatty and rich. It melted in my mouth.

19.Lightly Grilled Fatty Tuna 炙りトロ

This was fatty, rich and roasting. Wasabi on the top was not too spicy.

20.Heaping Sea Urchin 山盛りのウニ

I think this was the main dish of this course. I have never eaten like this heaping sea urchin!! It was surprising!! Sea urchin is luxury food in Japan. I would like you try it.

21.Japanese Omlet だし巻き卵

This omlet was sweet. After sea urchin, it made my mouth refreshed.

22.Minced Tuna Roll with Onion 玉ねぎ入りのネギトロ巻

Lots of minced tuna and onion with crispy seaweed. Tuna was so soft and delicious, onion was not strong. Basically minced tuna roll is not expensive, so we can eat it at a reasonable price. But this was more tasty than normal one.

23.Clam Miso Soup しじみの味噌汁

Look at these many clams!!! I was surprised. This soup was really rich as you can expect.

24.Conger Eel あなご

Grilled conger eel with sauce was plump and tasty. It smelled nice. At this time, they already served me many dishes. It might be little heavy.

25.Dried Gourd Shavings Roll 干瓢巻

This is a simple roll. Dried gourd shavings went well with seaweed.

26.Persimmon 柿

Persimmon was the last dish. This was fresh and juicy. It refreshed my mouth at the end.

Make a reservation in advance

It is difficult to eat here without a reservation, because this restaurant is very popular. I suggest you make a reservation via its website in advance. You can choose the date and time, but the course is only “Omakase”.


It will be an amazing experience for you☆


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