【10 Essential Items】for Traveling Abroad! 元旅行会社社員がすすめる【10個の海外旅行必需品】

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Hey・ω・ It’s mi!

I had worked at a travel agency for about 3.5 years. In addition, I’ve been to 15 countries at the moment. Today I suppose necessary items for traveling!


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Passport パスポート

This is the most significant item when we travel abroad. Even a travel agent, I couldn’t help those who forgot thier passport to thier travel. They had no choice but to return to their home to get thier passport once or change their plan. Just in case, I suggest you have a copy of your passport.

If you need VISA, you have to get it in advance! Check whether you need it or not. It depends on your nationarity, destination, purpose, and length of stay.



Money and Credit Card  お金とクレジットカード

It’s better to exchange some local money in your country in advance. I often exchange money at Daikokuya大黒屋 in Japan when I plan to travel abroad. Depends on country, it’s better to exchange money at the local. I would recommend that you exchange not at a hotel, bank and airport, but at down town. I don’t usually bring much money when I travel because it seems to be dangerous. I prefer to use a credit card at some places such as hotels, department stores, shopping centers, chain stores. In developing countries, you should be aware of using your credit card, because I heard that my friend paid more than she had bought.


Mobile Phone 携帯

Thesedays most of people use mobile phone as a camera. If we can use it online, it’s more useful. I haven’t brought wifi to overseas from Japan, because it is not cheap and there is free wifi. When you stay there long, it is better to get SIM at the local. We are not sure that where we can charge our phone, so a mobile battery is neseccary, too.

最近は携帯のカメラの性能も格段に良いので携帯で写真を撮るの方が多いと思います。ネット環境については、日本からWifiを買って持っていったことは一度もありません。たいていFree Wifiが飛んでいますし、長期の場合は現地でSIMを入れるのが良いと思います。(SIMロック解除が必要です。)どこで充電ができるかも不明確なため、いざという時のために携帯用充電器も持ちましょう。

A Map such as a Guide book  地図(ガイドブックなど)

If there is offline, you can check where you are from a map. When you get lost, you can ask someone to where you are by showing the map. Actually when I got lost in Europe and Hong Kong, I asked someone to the way with the map. I could reach where I wanted to go. At restaurants, you can ask the menu you would like to try with the guide book as well.


Jacket or Hoodie 上着

Even in Summer, just in case it’s better to bring some warm jacket or hoodie. The temperatuer is high, but indoor may be very cold because of the air conditioner.


Old Clothes and Underwear 古い服

Bring old clothes and wear them, and then throw away them there. You don’t need to wash the old clothes and can make the empty space in your suitcase. Then buy souvenirs and put them in a suitcase in the empty space that you made.


Conversion Plug, Power strip, and Charger  変換プラグ・タコ足・充電器

If you bring a power strip, it’s ok to bring just one conversion plug. You might be able to borrow a charger of mobile phone in a hotel, but it’s better to bring your own charger. In my case, I haven’t brought a transformer to abroad, and I didn’t need it.


Medicine 薬

Just in case, you should have medicines that you use ordinarily. I always bring painkillers, medicines for stomachahe, and bandages. I think Japanese medicine is high quality.


Folding Umbrella 折りたたみ傘

We can’t expect when rain will be starting. There are many areas where sudden rain starts like guerrilla heavy rain. It’s safe to bring a folding umbrella.


Minimal Amenity  最低限のアメニティ

At most of Japanese hotels, there are amenities that we need, but there is no amenity at some hotels. I was confused when I didn’t have a toohbrush and there was no toothbrush in the hotel. We can’t share it with anyone. Therefore I suggest you bring your own toothbrush. In addition, you should bring minimal amenities such as body soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Use and throw away them at the local.


Tips その他のアドバイス

Don’t need to bring many things but only necessary things! You can buy what you need at the local if you really need.  無駄なものは持っていかない!足りなくなったら現地で買えます!
Bring only two luggage. It is not really problem that the size of suitcase is big. Avoid forgetting your belongings and being stolen.  荷物はできるだけ2個以内で抑える!スーツケースは大きくてもOK。荷物の個数が多いと忘れ物や盗難のリスクが増します。
The bag that you can keep its mouth in front of you is better than backpack when you walk around. To have an expensive bag might be dangerous in some areas.  持ち歩くのはリュックよりも斜めかけバックで開け口を自分の前側にキープできるものが安心。ブランド物のバックは場所によっては持たない方が安全。
Prepare insurance if you need.  必要であれば事前に海外旅行保険に入りましょう。
Check your passport and wallet while you are traveling frequently with your friends!  移動中にはこまめにパスポートと貴重品のチェック、仲間にも声掛けをして意識的に紛失防止!
Don’t say YES or OK easily! If you can’t understand something, ask it.  わからないことになんでもYES・OKと言わない。わからなければわからないと言う。頼んでもいないものを買わせられたりします。
Anyway if you have passport(VISA if necessary) and some money, you can go abroad!
Let’s travel around the world☆彡mi

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