Which University is famous in Japan?? 日本の有名大学といえば??

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Japanese university is two types such as National and public universities 国公立大学 or private universities 私立大学. I introduce some famous universities in Japan today. Actually I also graduated one of these universities. I am proud of my university, because I could have a valuable time in my university.

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National and public universities 国公立大学

Advantages are these are much cheaper than private universities. You can study various sort of subjects you want to study. And there is full of great facilities.

Disadvantages are the admission examination is difficult. You have to study many kinds of subjects hard before the exam. That is why these universities’ level is high.

★ is approximate level of the university. (There is a difference in deviation value depending on the department.)

Former Imperial Universities 旧帝国大学 ★★★★★~★★★★☆

  • University of Tokyo 東京大学 ★★★★★
  • Kyoto University 京都大学 ★★★★★
  • Osaka University 大阪大学 ★★★★☆
  • Tohoku University 東北大学 ★★★★☆
  • Kyushu University 九州大学 ★★★★☆
  • Hokkaido University 北海道大学 ★★★★☆
  • Nagoya University 名古屋大学 ★★★★☆

These universities have long history. The top University in Japan is University of Tokyo. Everyone knows this university. The second is Kyoto University. The campus of Hokkaido university is the biggest size in Japan! Buses run in Hokkaido University. haha

Ikko 一工 ★★★★☆

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology 東京業大学
  • Hitotsubashi University 橋大学

Private Universities 私立大学

Advantages are there are many various departments and clubs. The campus is fashionable and unique.

Disadvantages are private universities are basically expensive. There are some ways of admission, the level of students can be different.

SouKeiJochi 早慶上智 ★★★★☆

  • Waseda University稲田大学
  • Keio University 応大学
  • Sophia University 上智大学

The top private universities are Waseda university or Keio university. These are very famous universities. The level of SoKeiJochi is almost same as former Imperial Universities.

(G)MARCH ★★★☆☆

  • (Gakushuin University 学習院大学)
  • Meiji University 明治大学
  • Aoyama Gakuin University 青山学院大学
  • Rikkyo University 立教大学
  • Chuo University 中央大学
  • Hosei University 法政大学

(G)MARCH is initials of these universities. In fact, the aim of many high school students is (G)MARCH or higher university than (G)MARCH.

KanKanDoRitsu 関関同立 ★★★☆☆

  • Kansai University 西大学
  • Kansei Gakuin University 西学院大学
  • Doshisha University 志社大学
  • Ritsumeikan University 命館大学

These universities are almost same level as GMARCH. While GMARCH are around Tokyo, KanKanDoRitsu are located in the west of Japan.

Three Top Women’s University 女子大御三家 ★★★☆☆

  • Tsuda University 津田塾大学
  • Tokyo Women’s Christian University 東京女子大学
  • Japan Women’s University 日本女子大学

These are only women’s university. They have long history, too. The level is almost same as (G)MARCH. It is said that to graduate these universities can be advantage when looking for work.

University Life

Normally a university is composed of 4 years. The students are busy to study, hang out with friends, work as a part time staff after school, and join some clubs. Basically they have to take an exam or submit a report 2~4 times a year depending on the class. Regarding clubs, there are many kinds of clubs such as a sports club, traveling club, study club, and so on. Intercollegiate clubs are interesting. They can have 1~2 months vacation twice a year. They start looking for a job at the end of the third year of college. When the graduation ceremony, male students wear suits and female students wear Hakama, which is kind of Japanese traditional kimono.

Educational Background seems to be still important in Japan

Many people still think the level of education is important in Japan. Especially when we try to find a job, many company check our level of education. Actually it’s still better to graduate higher level university. But I think the educational background is not all about person. It is not good to judge people from educational background.


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