【Japanese Manners】of Attending a Wedding 結婚式に出席する時知っておくべきマナー

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Hi it’s mi 😀

I participated in my friend’s wedding party few days ago. Actually it was almost my first time to participate in the wedding. Before the wedding, I serch a lot of things about wedding rules in internet, and also I asked that to my friends who had participated in some wedding. When we are invited to a wedding, please be aware of some manners as I write below.


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What should we do when we are invited to the wedding party?? 結婚式に招待されたらどうするべき?

At first, my friend told me that she had got married and decided to hold a wedding party at paticular date, and then she asked me whether I can come to the wedding or not. I said I can go. Second, she sent me the invitation letter and I replied. Sending an Invitation letter has been a common way to ask an attendance , but thesedays some people send an invitation website via mobile phone instead of a letter. Those who are received an invitation, they have to reply by the deadline.


Prepare money gift for wedding  ご祝儀を用意する

It is really common to give money gift for wedding in Japan. This is called “Goshugi ご祝儀“. I don’t know any other countries’ wedding rules, but some of foreigners might be surprised at that. Basically, 30,000JPY is common amount for the wedding gift. It’s better to prepare a new bill. You can get a new bill at a bank and post offoce. Even if you don’t have time to prepare a new bill, it’s possible to make an old bill nearly new in your house. Spray water on a bill and wipe off moisture, then iron it except a hologram by an iron or hair iron.

We have to prepare celebration bag called “Goshugi bukuro ご祝儀袋” with the letter “Kotobuki 寿“, “Oiwai 御祝“, and  “Gokekkonoiwai 御結婚御祝“as well. We have to write our name by a brush pen not a ballpoint pen under the word of “寿”. We have to write our name, home address, and the amount of money to the inner bag, too. Then we wrap it with a small silk cloth called “Fukusa ふくさ” and bring it to the wedding. If you don’t have one, you can use a handkerchief instead of Fukusa. Warm colors are preferd.


次にご祝儀袋を用意します。「寿」と書いてあるものが一番メジャーですが、「御祝」「御結婚御祝」なども可能です。予めプリントされていないものについては自分で書きますがプリントされてあるものの方が見栄えが良いと思います。「寿」の下の部分に自分の名前を書き、内袋の裏には自分の名前、住所を、表には「金 参万円」のように金額を漢数字で書きます。この時、普通のボールペンではなく、筆ペンを使いましょう。結婚式に持参する時には、ふくさと呼ばれる布に包んで持参するとスマートです。ふくさがない場合はハンカチで代用も可能です。結婚式の場合は暖色系のものが良いとされています。

Men wear suits and women dress except a white outfit  男性はスーツ、女性は白以外のドレスで

Basically men wear suits, while women wear some dress except a  white dress, because white is only for a bride. In addition, women shouldn’t wear a revealing dress. If the dress which you have is revealing, you should put on a jacket or shawl. The length of the skirt is not prefered too short. Atendees shouldn’t be as conspicuous as the bride, but I think it’s difficult to stand out than the bride.haha That is why, in my opinion, we can wear more flashy and fancy dress. I wore a jacket though.haha


Conclusion まとめ

When we participate in a wedding, at least remember below.

Prepare new 30,000JPY gift with a celebration bag.
Wear suits or dress except white color.

Then just enjoy the wedding and eat a lot!!

Thanks for inviting me to your wedding, my friend(*^^*)

Follow mi~!


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