Characteristics of Japanese women✿ 日本人女性の特徴とは?

✧About Japan (English)✧
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It’s written in English and Japanese!日本語と英語で書いてます!


Hey guys~~ It’s mi(*’▽’)

What do you think about Japanese girls?? They are shy?? quite?? cute?? I think they are the most shy and calmest in the world. haha

These days I see a lot of international couples everywhere. I think the number of Japanese girl and foreign boy couples is more than the number of Japanese boy and foreign girl couples. Because I saw many couples in Japan and Australia. Also when searching in instagram about international couple, I can find many Japanese girl and foreign boy couples, but Japanese boy and foreign girl couples are few. I don’t know like that couple as well. How come??

Today I analyze about Japanese girls on my own way! (Of course everyone is not same. )




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Japanese women are shy(/ω\)日本人女性はシャイ

As you know, basically Japanese seems shy. Japanese girls don’t say something strongly and directly. They are not good at expressing their opinion clearly.
I think this is cased by Japanese culture, such as collectivism, whose concept is group is more important than individual. So, Japanese don’t prefer to say individual opinion strongly. Also we call a wife “Oku san” and “Kanai” which means the woman who is inside of a house. (Actually we have more words to call wife.) “Wife stays inside of a house and support her husband.”, this thinking was a common in Japan.
Therefore, basically they are not forward, don’t assert themselves excessively. Regarding couple, they don’t usually control their boyfriend. Normally they don’t have strong possessive. Of course there is exception. hahaha

第一に、日本人はシャイという印象がある方が多いと思います。日本人が外国人に言われがちな言葉「Don’t be shy」。私もオーストラリア滞在初期の頃は言われました。日本人女性は、何かを強く言ったり直接的に言ったりすることは少ないですね。自分の気持ちを明確に表現することも苦手な方もいるかと思います。



What do Japanese girls like?? 好きなことは?

Japanese girls like shopping, fashion, cosmetics, rich bland, and trend. They are always looking for something new, cute, and trendy. They want to keep themselves fancy. They like making up and thinking about fashion. Don’t you think Japanese girls’ appearance is fancy? For Japanese girls, trend is very important. That’s why sometimes their cloth is similar to others’. haha For example, when I was an university student in Tokyo, some of my friends looked very similar, I sometimes couldn’t distinguish them from back. haha
They often hold only girls meeting called “Joshi-kai” which means girls’ party. They like talking about their life and boys, and love in Joshikai. They talk while eating and drinking at a Izakaya or dining bar for long time.
When it comes to love, I would say they like gentle, kind, or manly boys. Also many girls love sudden celebration from boys such as birthday celebration. How romantic! Expressing love makes them happy. Japanese boys are kind, but are not good at expressing love?! I think this is one of reason why Japanese girls and foreign boys couple is many.

日本人女性は、買い物・ファッション・コスメ・ブランド品・流行が好きな方が多いと思います。いつも流行の新しくてかわいいものを追い求め、常にかわいくおしゃれでいたいと思っているのではないでしょうか。メイクやファッションにこだわり、おしゃれすることが楽しみの一部という人もいますね。(ちなみに私は流行にまったく興味がありませんしメイクもいつも同じ( ;∀;))日本人女性って服装にこだわっていてとてもかわいいなと思いませんか?外国の女性ってジーパンにシンプルなトップスが多いです。まあシンプルな格好で間に合う、抜群のスタイルをお持ちだからかもしれませんが泣 外国の服屋さんと日本の服屋さんのテイストがまったく違うことにも気づき、日本の服のこだわりがすごい!と思いました。流行が大事だからこそ皆に似たような格好してるってことも起こるんですけどね。実際大学時代、清楚系女子大生風の格好をした子も多く、後ろ姿皆一緒じゃん!ってこともありました(笑)



What do Japanese girls dislike?? 嫌いなことは?

They don’t like fighting with other people, because they always want to keep peaceful. They don’t want hurt somebody and they don’t want to be hurt by somebody. I don’t often see someone fighting in Japan. I haven’t usually fought with somebody, too. We are avoiding fights, but sometimes it’s important to discuss with real intention, I think. But we are afraid of becoming bad relationship.

Also they dislike a person who disturbs the atmosphere and is selfish, because of the thinking of collectivism as I explained before. They prefer to hang out with a person who is attentive, thoughtful and supportive.



Extra:Japanese girls reply late intentionally?? 意図的に返信を遅らせる日本人女性のテク笑

If you have experience, do you think some of Japanese girls reply late?? Actually I think they don’t usually reply fast because they think many things before reply. If they reply fast, they think that you might think that they are interested in you. They are shy. Does it make sense?!?!?! I think this is difficult to understand for foreigners. (Also my English is not good.) For me, I don’t think too much, I just reply when I notice messages. It’s interesting habit about girls.



How about Japanese girls?? Are they different from other countries’ girls?? When you can’t understand Japanese girls, I hope this article help you.haha See ya next time 🙂

外国人女性を見てきて日本人女性は温和だなあと思う点がたくさんありました。外国人男性から日本人女性は自分の国の女性達と全く違うと言われることも多かったので今回まとめてみました。いかがでしたか?ではまた次回 😀

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