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✧About Japan (English)✧

【The Lyrics Consideration】”Silent Majority” by Keyakizaka46 /欅坂46「サイレントマジョリティー」の歌詞の意味を考えてみた!

How are you~??  It's mi! Do you know Keyakizaka46 欅坂46?? They are one of the Japanese idol groups who started as an id...
✧About Japan (English)✧

【Tokyo Travel Guide】14 places you should visit in Tokyo!! 東京で行くべき14の観光スポット!

Konnichiwa, Hello~ I am mi :lol: As you know Tokyo is capital prefecture in Japan. Manyyyy people are living there. Tod...
✧About Japan (English)✧

Characteristics of Japanese women✿ 日本人女性の特徴とは?

  It's written in English and Japanese!日本語と英語で書いてます! Hey guys~~ It's mi(*'▽') What do you think about Japan...
✧About Japan (English)✧

Japanese Common Sense is Not Common in the World?! 日本の普通が世界の普通じゃない?!

  It's written in English&Japanese!日本語と英語で書いてるよ Hello~~こんにちは!I am mi(*^^)v I would like to talk about Japan...
✧About Japan (English)✧

【Japanese Traditions】on the End of the Year and New Year’s Day 年末年始の過ごし方

Hi~~! This is mi :lol: One and a half months left this year. 8-O I feel the time passed so fast... In this year, I did...
✧About Japan (English)✧

Have to know about Japanese traditional harp “KOTO” 知っておくべき日本伝統楽器「琴」の魅力

Hello I am mi :-D Do you know Japanese harp, KOTO?? Have you listened to this sound?? Koto is a Japanese traditional in...
✧About Japan (English)✧

【3 Recommend Meat Restaurants】 in Tokyo!! 肉料理が絶品都内おすすめ3店舗!

Hi!! How are you?? I'm hungry!! I introduce my favorite 3 meat restaurants in Tokyo today. I have been to many meat re...
✧About Japan (English)✧

Useful Japanese Phrases & Examples 英語にない便利な日本語

Otsukaresama~~!! I am mi(*^^)v Today I write about some unique Japanese language, because sometimes there is no way to ...
✧About Japan (English)✧

【Japaense Souvenir List】in a Supermarket & Pharmacy スーパー・薬局で買える【日本のお土産】

Konnichiwa!! I am mi :-P When you travel abroad, where do you buy souvenirs?? You buy them for your family, friends, lo...
✧About Japan (English)✧

【Sapporo Food Guide】10 food you must eat in Hokkaido!! 【札幌グルメ10選】

Hello, I am mi. How are you?? Oh you are hungry?! Me either, I am always starving. For you, I'm going to introduce popu...
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