Mi days。

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Hello guys!! It’s mi!

I am sorry that I couldn’t write article these days, because my new job as a hotel receptionist has started. This is a good job for me, because I am interested in tourism. My coworkers are nice as well. But! after when I concentrate to something, I usually got headache( ;∀;) And also bad temper causes headache. It’s usually cloudy and rainy in Tokyo. My headache is little heavy, even I have time after my work, I couldn’t do anything( ;∀;) Painkiller medicine EVE is my necessary item. I’m thinking of starting yoga to get better my headache, but yoga is expensive 😥 Today is my day off, I can finally write this blog!!


I work on a shift system except night time. I’m just taught how to work in the hotel now. Half of the guests are Japanese and half are foreigners. That’s why I can study and use English. It’s my first time to send formal E-mail in English, this is interesting job for me. The best thing about this job for me is I can eat lunch for free. haha Thanks very much.


On my day off, I sleep for over 12 hours. After getting up, I mostly write this blog or hang out with my friends. I eat Yakitori in Izakaya, Ramen, and Hotpot. Maybe already you know that I am a big eater.



I also want to buy a new laptop!!Because my laptop is going to be broken. PC movement is veryyy slow… I’m interested in Chromebook made from Google which is cheaper than other PC. If I change my laptop, I will write about it.


I plan to take TOEIC exam in this year as well. Actually I used to hate TOEIC, because I was not good at reading English and listening to English. TOEIC consists reading and listening. But Japan likes TOEIC.haha If I have good score of TOEIC, I can appeal this when I want to find a job.


At the end of this year, I hope I want to go back to Hokkaido, which is my hometown, as soon as possible due to the celebration! (I wrote an article about the celebration at the end of year in Japan.) I want to eat a lot of delicious fresh food and meet my family and dog in Hokkaido.


I’m not sure about my future, but I just always hope I want to experience something exciting. I love Japan, but I feel I can’t live in Japan for long time because of my curious. I wanna go abroad again.

将来についてはI’m not sureという感じですが常に何かわくわくできることをしていたいですね。好奇心が散漫していて日本に長く住める気がしません。また外国行きたいなーと思ってます。

If you have something you want to know about Japan, feel free to tell me please(=゚ω゚)ノ Cheers!

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