It’s written in English&Japanese!日本語と英語で書いてるよ
Hello~~こんにちは!I am mi(*^^)v
I would like to talk about Japanese common sense today.
I never had had any doubts about Japanese common sense until I graduated the University in Tokyo. Because I hadn’t had any big problems about Japanese common sense. I just thought Japan is really peaceful country. After graduation, I started working at a Japanese travel agency. Then,,,I got to have many doubts about common sense or practice about work in Japan. The doubt is like…
Japanese works too perfectly, which causes overworking, and overworking is common.
This is that I really couldn’t understand. I had worked at the travel agency for 3.5 years, after that I escaped to Australia. Australia is really different from Japan. I also had met a lot of people from various countries. I had noticed more differences of common sense between Japan and other countries. Of course some of these differences are good and some are bad, or depending on the way people think.
The reason I started thinking about Japanese common sense was my previous job in Japan and my life in Australia.
Anyway I enumerate Japanese common sense which is different from other countries in my own way.
Japanese common practice of working 仕事に関する日本の常識
I mentioned Japanese common sense of working in my second article “Good points and Bad points of working in Japan” as well. If you have time, please check it too(*’▽’)
Anyway work for long time! とにかく長時間労働
I can say overworking is really common in Japan. In my previous company, there were too many tasks that we have to do. I really didn’t like forced overtime job, but I had to overwork. There is “No overtime working day” twice or three times a month, but it means the other days are overtime working day. haha
I could get overtime payment, but some companies don’t pay it to employees. One of my friend overworked for 100 hours a month, but they got only 10 hours overtime payment. That’s terrible. Some older people that I know said to me “you are lucky because you can get overtime payment.”… It’s common to overwork in their mind. I don’t think I was lucky at all.
I think Japanese forget finishing work on time. They start working early and finish late.
In Australia, I heard office workers can finish working on time. It is common. Also on Friday, they can go home early! (Of course not all company) Actually I saw many people like office workers drinking at early time even weekdays. My host father in Australia usually came home early as well. I like their life style very much.
Nowadays I heard overworking is decreasing in Japan, but there are still those who have to overwork.
Arrive before at least 10 min 10分前行動
When it comes to working, we must get ready at least 10 min before starting work. This is really common. Some people get ready 30 min before starting( ;∀;) If freshman, they must be careful about the time. For example, when I arrived a meeting 5 min before starting, but everyone already got ready. Everyone had been waiting for me(゚∀゚) The meeting started after I had arrived, even it was still 5 min left. I felt as if I was late…
Even private meeting, most of Japanese are punctual. (I am usually late. Of course some of Japanese are lazy like me. haha)
In Australia, some of my Latin friends were always late. hahaha This is Latin time??(=゚ω゚)ノ
Do you know Japanese trains always run on time?? It is wonderful. For example, some trains come every 3 min!!
The Customer is like god. OMOTENASHI spirit is important. お客様は神様。
The customer is always right. Even the customer is wrong or selfish, sometimes we have to apologize for them. What they say or they do is right.
In Australia, I wanted to try on a cloth at a cloth shop, it was about 15 min before they closed, but they didn’t allow me to try on it( ;∀;) And many shops prepare to close from 10 min before they close. I haven’t seen like this scene.
On the other hand, I can see many people after closing time in Tokyo Disney Resort. Even it’s already 30 min after closing time, I could stay in the park. It ’s an extreme example. Tokyo Disney Resort is too kind.
I think Japanese kindness is good for customers, while, sometimes bad for workers. It causes overworking.
Japanese common practice in general life 日常における日本の普通
Open 24 hours 24時間営業
There are a lot of convenience stores, supermarkets, and restaurants opening for 24 hours. These are very convenient for customers. Those who work until midnight can buy something to eat. haha
I didn’t see many stores opening for 24 hours in Australia. Sometimes it was inconvenient.
Sorry and Sorry すみません
We say “sorry” many times in Japan. This means “I’m sorry”, “excuse me”, and “thank you”. That’s why we say “sorry” in English, too. It’s Japanese habit.
Tell their opinion indirectly. They have politeness called “社交辞令”.
I think Japanese can’t tell their opinion directly, because they are afraid that their words hurt someone. Always they say something indirectly and softly. I would say it’s Japanese culture. They don’t usually say just “No”. Japanese care about politeness, called “shakoujirei 社交辞令”.
But because of this politeness, sometimes we can’t be understood or we are thought that we are indecisive by foreigners. I found that telling something to someone directly by polite words is the best. haha
Don’t call in a train and bus 公共交通機関電話禁止
In Japan, we are not allowed to call in a train and bus. On the other hand, we could call even in a train and bus in Australia.
If you call in a train and bus, everyone is hearing your conversation carefully😏
Wear masks マスクをすること
I didn’t know wearing a mask is strange for some people from foreign countries!! When once I wore a mask to my English school, some people mentioned about my mask.haha After that, I never wore a mask in Australia!
オーストラリアで風邪をひいた時にマスクをして英語学校に登校したのですが、物珍しそうに見てくる外国人が多く、strange!haha と言って笑われました(笑)こいつに風邪を移してやろうと、それ以来オーストラリアでマスクをすることはなくなりました。
Behavior is determined by age 年齢による行動の区分
I feel Japanese have the right way of their life. University→work at some company over 3years→earn money→get married from 20s to early 30s→get child in the early 30s. They think this is the typical and good life. I feel behavior is determined by age. I think Japanese care about their age too much. I believe happiness is always dipending on person. We can do what we want. Don’t need to care about what other people say to you, I think.
Thank you for reading this article. I think common sense is based on the culture and history. This is really interesting topic for me. If you know any other unique habits which are different from Japan, please tell me 😀